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SKANDIX installation instructions and videos


When you shop at SKANDIX, you benefit not only from our extensive range of spare parts, but also from our many years of know-how. As a specialist for Volvo and Saab vehicles, we can often offer you additional information about the parts in addition to selecting the right parts for your vehicle.

Many parts are tested by our workshop professionals with regard to quality, properties and usability. The parts are also installed in our own project vehicles and some of them have been tested in tough rally use.

In order to make this know-how comprehensively available to you, we continuously produce additional documentation in the form of installation instructions, product notes and application notes. For some products, we have produced detailed video instructions to provide you with even more graphic assistance when installing the parts.

You can now also view the documents and videos directly in our shop and additionally download them as PDF documents. Initially, 180 documents with over 1700 illustrations are available. These will be continuously supplemented.

A few examples:

Video instructions:

You will find the relevant documents linked directly to the corresponding products. Recognisable by a small folder symbol with tools below the product information on the parts pages.