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Quality parts

Find out more about offered product brands and vendors

SKANDIX is a leading manufacturer, supplier and distributor of high quality replacement parts. When you order from SKANDIX you'll have 25 years of experience and professionalism standing behind the quality of our products

In addition to genuine parts from the car manufacturers we have chosen numerous alternatives with comparable quality to provide you a better choice. Either you will get original SKANDIX products which are made of the highest quality possible or you will get parts made by the leading European suppliers like Lemfoerder, Zimmermann, FAG/FTE, AP Lockheed, Sachs and many others.

Quality parts

Information about the parts manufacturer is listed next to every single part in our catalog. Many parts are labeled with "SKANDIX Own-label" which means that this part is available from different suppliers. Parts which we receive just from one single vendor will be marked with the name of the vendor.

SAAB OriginalSKANDIX is official partner of Orio AB (former Saab parts Sweden) and is able supply all available genuine Saab parts to you. You can identify genuine Saab parts in our shop with the Saab Original logo.

As you will get the same parts as our German customers all parts are Autobahn approved. More over some racing teams in Europe have chosen SKANDIX as their mechanic parts supplier. Our parts meet the quality needed on race tracks like the Nuerburgring.

Parts listed for Vintage Cars is are often checked for fitting and quality before we add it into our sales catalog. For this reason SKANDIX owns several Vintage Cars where the parts are individually road tested by experienced car mechanics. You can find some of the cars in our picture gallery!

Enjoy the Drive!