Modern clutch kit for Saab 95, 96 and Sonett V4
08.07.2022A modern diaphragm spring clutch for Saab 95, 96 and Sonett V4 is finally available.
In the past, there were problems with the clutches for the V4 in the Saab 96. The original Sachs claw clutch was not available for a while, in the meantime there were at least pressure plates, but sometimes they did not harmonise perfectly with the available driver plates. The temporarily available diaphragm spring clutch from another manufacturer was too big for the limited space in the clutch bell and required a turning of the flywheel.
Whatever was available in recent years, it almost always required reworking at some point and was usually suboptimal.
With the original claw clutch, the high amount of force required and the tendency to pick were aggravating factors; it wasn't really great as a new part.
Since we also had our problems with the available clutches, we thought about a solution together with a clutch manufacturer.
The photo shows a comparison of the original claw coupling (top) and the new modern coupling set for easy conversion (bottom).
We were in the fortunate position of being able to test this on a nearly new Saab 96 with only 7000 kilometres on the clock. On this car we removed and installed the clutch several times until the result worked perfectly from our point of view.
The effort with a lot of measuring, drawing, discussing and testing was worth it, we now actually have the perfect clutch for the Saab 95, 96 and Sonett V4 in our range.
The new clutch kit is smooth-running, easy to control and free of the original part's tendency to pick up. A long service life is guaranteed by the manufacturer's decades of experience.
The clutch kit including release bearing is now available in our shop under the item number 1083115.
Suitable for vehicles with V4 engine
- Saab 95
- Saab 96
- Saab Sonett
Additional information...
- 1083115: Clutch kit